Blog #12- July 5th, 2019 ☔

Grade 2- Week 11/ 12- June 24th -July 5th, 2019 LOOKING BACK We had so much fun this week! Between Japanese Culture Day, building our Rube Goldberg machines, and a special handball tournament at lunch, grade 2 students were busy every day of the week! During UOI time last week, students met with a partner and began planning their final project- a Rube Goldberg machine. They came up with a final task for their machine, such as dropping a ball into a cup, or popping a balloon. They made sketches and lists of materials that they would need. This week, they spent many hours building their parts, testing out their simple machines, and making changes to improve their design! I was so impressed with the many creative ways students used everyday materials. In math, students worked on two assessments: a graphing project that involved creating four different graphs based on one set of data, and another Read Draw Write Check Up. Students worked hard on both assessments. During Engl...