Farewell to Grade 2 🎓✋

ۖHello Grade 2 students and families! Our school year is officially over, and teachers are hard at work preparing for the new school year, when all of you will become Grade 3 students... can you believe it?? I have had an absolute blast being your teacher this year!! From your Rube Goldberg machines, to our field trips to different parks and museums, to your fantastic acting and storytelling of Edward Tulane... this year has been so much fun! I am going to miss all of you dearly, so please stay in touch and let me know how things are going with you! Thank you again for your wonderful photo book, cards, and Amazon Gift Voucher... it really means a lot! See you all another day!! -Mr. Derek P.S.- Here are some photos from the break so far. Keep up the wonderful work and volunteering!!