
Showing posts from September, 2018

Week 4 Blog! ⚽🏅

Term 2- Week 4- 2nd Grade Blog LOOKING BACK: UOI *Students finished up their presentations and then shared their research with the class. They were also able to give feedback to one another on their presentations. We also put ourselves in the shoes of Zheng He, and wrote letters to our family about our journeys on China's Treasure Fleet! Math *This week we continued to practice the "Read Draw Write" strategy to solve math word problems. We made our drawings more efficient, and also practiced some ways to add and manipulate numbers in our heads more easily. English *This week we reviewed the parts of a letter, and used some of the knowledge on paragraph structure to create an organized letter. We practiced making sure to write the opening and closing of a letter correctly. In our reading, we practiced jotting many different kinds of notes while we read! LOOKING AHEAD: UOI *We will discuss and begin to research possible future...

Week 3 Blog!

Term 2- Week 3- 2nd Grade Blog LOOKING BACK: UOI *Students chose a new explorer/ exploration to research independently. They gathered information through books, articles, photos and videos, and created a Google Presentation to share their findings with the class. Students also had an opportunity to create a magazine college on a map of Japan for our art project of the week! Math *This week we learned about the "Read Draw Write" strategy. Students practiced reading a math problem twice, drawing a diagram or picture to represent the problem, and then made sure to write both a number sentence and a word sentence. We also reviewed some number fluency activities to become faster at mental math. English *Students continued to practice their paragraph writing as they wrote on topics they could teach others about. They learned how to give both positive and constructive feedback to one another, in order to help improve their writing! LOOKING A...

Week 2 Blog

Term 2- Week 2- 2nd Grade Blog LOOKING BACK: UOI *Students began to learn about famous explorers from the past, including Jacques Cousteau and Mae Jemison. They asked questions before, during and after this research, and they chose an environment to place themselves in for our art project this week. Math *This week we continued learning about geometry. Students created cubes using toothpicks and playdough, in order to better understand how many faces, edges and vertices there were. We also had a "Symmetrical Art Museum" tour, where students shared their symmetrical designs with their classmates. English *We have been learning all about writing paragraphs! Students practiced coming up with details and reasons, planning what they would write, and finally writing a paragraph about a topic! LOOKING AHEAD: UOI *We will continue to learn about famous explorers, their reasons for exploring, and the effects of their exploration. Students will ha...

Welcome back!

Dear 2nd grade families, I hope you have all had a restful summer break! I'm very excited to begin Term 2 of 2nd Grade with your children! We will be starting our new unit around "Where we are in place and time", focusing on human exploration. I think students will really enjoy this unit as they find ways to connect it to their own lives and explorations, and to important explorations that have changed our world! As we get started with a new term, I will also be checking in with each student this week to assess their current levels in English and Math. This will help me to achieve a better understanding of what skills and areas we can focus on this term. Homework For me, the MOST important thing your child can do at home is to read, read, read! For this reason, your child will have a weekly reading log that should be filled out each night, and turned in on Monday morning, completed. Students should be reading at home for AT LEAST 15 minutes each night. Of course, i...