Week 2 Blog
Term 2- Week 2- 2nd Grade Blog
*Students began to learn about famous explorers from the past, including Jacques Cousteau and Mae Jemison. They asked questions before, during and after this research, and they chose an environment to place themselves in for our art project this week.
*This week we continued learning about geometry. Students created cubes using toothpicks and playdough, in order to better understand how many faces, edges and vertices there were. We also had a "Symmetrical Art Museum" tour, where students shared their symmetrical designs with their classmates.
*We have been learning all about writing paragraphs! Students practiced coming up with details and reasons, planning what they would write, and finally writing a paragraph about a topic!
*We will continue to learn about famous explorers, their reasons for exploring, and the effects of their exploration. Students will have a chance to choose their own topics to conduct further research on!
*We will practice solving real-world math problems, including strategies to represent the problem with pictures, numbers and words.
*We will continue to work on paragraph structure as students summarize what they have learned from their research and reading.
LOOK OUT (Important Announcements/ Dates)
*HOMEWORK-- Starting next week, I will be tracking students' homework completion. If they complete all HW tasks for the week, they will receive a merit! Missing more than one HW assignment will result in a demerit. Please encourage your child to complete their reading and HW every night.
*VIDEOS- I understand that it has been difficult to access the video links on Jupiter. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I will look into an easier way to share these links with you!
*Monday, September 17-- No School
*Monday, September 24-- No School
*Monday, October 1-- No School
*Monday, October 1-- No School
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