Blog #15- September 27th, 2019 🚩

Grade 2- Blog #15- September 17th- September 27th, 2019
Transforming our classroom into Nepal!
Enjoying some games of Bagh Chal at ICF!

Last week, we dug very deep into our inquiry of Mount Everest, extending our research to all of Nepal. Each student chose a project to work on to help prepare for ICF- since our class's country was Nepal! From Nepalese board games, to the national flower, to making puzzles about traditional Nepalese foods, everyone worked so hard to help make ICF a success!
Working together to make the photo booth.
Aiya and Jack make a diagram to teach about the height of Mt. Everest.
Kirato paints a model temple from Nepal.
Ichika works on a giant flag of Nepal!
Mahmoud and Shosuke's food puzzles show the traditional meals of Nepal.
This week, we began research about other areas of exploration, including the North Pole, the South Pole, and deep oceans. Students shared what they know about these places, then brainstormed questions they wanted to get answers to. We learned about famous explorations that were successful, and some that were not. We also learned about more reasons that people choose to explore.
Investigating arctic exploration!
In math, we have been learning all about shapes! Students determined the rules that make a polygon a polygon, and then they investigated the various properties of polygons, such as number of sides, number of angles, and types of angles. They sorted many shapes into different categories, and created artwork using only polygons that we had studied together.
Sorting shapes!
Sorting various shapes into categories.
For English, students have continued working hard to finish their first teaching books! Students chose a topic that they are an expert on, such as oceans, books, basketball- and even their own family members! They planned out what sort of chapters they would include, then jumped right into planning and writing each chapter!

VIP of the Week
This week our VIP was Ryosei! He brought in some photos to share, some of his favorite books from home, and even showed us some of the interesting toys and games he likes to play with! Thanks for sharing, Ryosei!

Mahmoud holds up a quadrilateral for the class to identify.
Next week in UOI, we will turn our attention upward.... to space! We'll investigate and research the different types of explorations that have happened into space, including the moon, mars, and the International Space Station. We will make sure to inquire about the famous explorers who went to these places, including WHY and what happened because of their exploration (the OUTCOME).
The class holds up their answers!

For math, we will move on from 2D polygons, and begin an inquiry into 3D shapes! We'll learn to identify these shapes based on edges, faces and vertices, and we will also create our own 3D shapes using different materials in the classroom!

In English, students will finish up their first teaching books. Before starting our next books, we will have a few sessions of "Editing Bootcamp"- where we review what it means to edit, and create an editing checklist together of things we need to look out for in our writing!

(Announcements and Important Dates)
*Friday, October 11- Sports Day (at the Edion Arena in Namba)
*Monday, October 14- No School (National Holiday)


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