Grade 2- Blog #13- September 4th- September 6th, 2019
Students study a map of the world. |
Placing our stickers on the places we have explored/ want to explore! |
More mapping! |
Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a nice summer vacation, whether you traveled the world or relaxed here in Osaka with your family! We had a short week this week, as students (and teachers!!) adjusted to being back at school! Still, it was an exciting first three days, as we prepared to start new units in math, English, and Unit of Inquiry, and as we welcomed a new student, Riko, to our class!
Going on a listening walk through the school. |
Listening for different sounds on the sidewalk! |
For UOI time, students began to develop a sense of "exploration". We explored the whole school by going on a "Listening Walk", we explored our classroom environment by using a treasure map, and we explored our community by finding out more about one another. Students also dug deeper with maps by locating their own communities on Google Maps, and by studying maps of Japan and the World. They placed stickers on the places they have already explored, as well as on the places they still want to explore!
Interviewing each other. |
Finding our more about our classmates! |
Asking about interesting facts. |
"People Bingo" |
In math, we connected our inquiry studies with more focus on maps. Students learned about the cardinal directions, as well as how to use a may key to look for information. Finally, students practiced how to use a grid on a map, by giving and receiving clues to find specific information.
Drawing a map of Horie Park. |
For English, we began a new unit about informational books. Students studied examples of non-fiction books, and began to look for "text features" throughout the book. We made a list of important text features, including Table of Contents, Glossary, Index, diagrams, labels, and captions. Then, students began to look for these text features in several different texts. Finally, they discussed why each text feature was important, and how it helps the reader.
Next week in UOI, we will dig a bit deeper into the cardinal directions. We'll figure out which way is which in our classroom, and we will even create our own compasses to help figure this out. Then, we will begin to study different places that have been explored. We'll put ourselves in the shoes of the explorers, thinking about why we are exploring, and what we need to be successful.
For math, we will continue to practice grids and coordinates, as well as following precise directions.
In English, we will write our very own informational book together. We'll brainstorm topics that we are an expert on, then we will try to jot down as much information that we know about this topic. Only then will we be ready to start writing our first chapters!
Kaname and Ryosei practice using a grid in math. |
Aiya and Kyle design their own grid puzzles. |
(Announcements and Important Dates)
*This week we had 16 students who earned a merit for 100% homework completion (including summer break homework). That is SUCH a strong way to start the term! Keep up the great work everyone!!
*Monday, September 16th- NO SCHOOL- Public Holiday
*Friday, September 20th- ICF- International Childrens' Festival (at AIS)
*Monday, September 23- NO SCHOOL- Public Holiday
*Friday, October 11- Sports Day (at the Edion Arena in Namba)
Students wrote down what they already know about exploring/ explorers. |
Students wrote down questions they are wondering about exploring/ explorers. |
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