Unit 2: How the World Works


Unit 2: How the World Works

Central Idea: People use their understanding of natural laws to manipulate objects. 

We have had quite a busy first term! During this unit we learned about forces and simple machines! We talked about push and pull, and how machines help up use less force to move an object. In the pictures below we were miming push and pull and our friends had to guess which one we were showing! Can you tell if we are showing push or pull?

When learning about simple machines we learned about incline planes. Students designed their own marble mazes out of Legos. Students used their knowledge of incline planes and forces to guide their marble through the maze. 

In Japanese students made their own recycles cars and connected it to our learning about wheels and axels!

Students worked in teams to create their own Rube Goldberg machines to complete a task. A Rube Goldberg Machine is a complicated machine used to complete a simple task. We were very ambitious with our machines and students made cardboard pulleys, many inclined planes, and even some bumpy surfaces to add friction. 

Grade 2 had a really good turn out for talent show! It was great seeing so many students being risk takers and performing! It was a great show. 

Have a great summer and I am looking forward to continuing to grow and learn in second grade and in our new campus!


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