Week 7 Blog

Term 2- Week 7- 2nd Grade Blog LOOKING BACK: UOI *Students got to present their future exploration plans to the class, as well as teach other students during an "exploration museum". We also started thinking about our next unit, discussing what "peace" and "conflict" mean to us. Math *This week we learned a handful of new math games to help us practice and review three-digit numbers and place value, making a friendly ten, and building arrays. We also reviewed the difference between rows and columns. English *We took a spelling test to figure out what strengths and areas of growth we have. We also practiced choosing from a spelling "menu" by completing different fun activities to practice our spelling word lists! LOOKING AHEAD: UOI *We will discuss how human life is organized, and how people might encourage peace at each different level (home, school, community, city, country, world). Math *We will be...