Week 15 Blog! ⛄

Term 2- Week 15- 2nd Grade Blog LOOKING BACK: UOI *This week really flew by! We spent the week preparing our organizations and businesses for "Happy Life Town", the town we will be officially "opening" when we return in January. Students thought about the materials and people they would need to be successful, and set about creating and planning their jobs and buildings! Yunosuke made a magnetic fishing pole to fish on his farm, while Riria made a menu of services at her hospital/ clinic. We all decided together that we would use solar panels as our energy source for the town! Math *We reviewed our addition and subtraction strategies by playing two new games: Race to 1,000, and Race to 0. We also worked in small groups to practice certain strategies that we had the most difficulty with. English *We learned all about comparisons in poetry! We studied examples in mentor texts to see how poets come up with creative ways to compare one thing to anothe...