February 2019 Blog
Term 3- February 2019- Grade 2 Blog LOOKING BACK: UOI *In February, we have worked very hard to understand WHY and HOW people tell stories. We studied trickster tales, folktales, and moral stories, and we also explored various ways to tell a story. After all of our research, we began to come up with our Year End Performance- a retelling of Lon Po Po, a story we read in class together. For the past 2 weeks we have been hard at work planning this performance, and practicing our different storytelling methods! Math *After finishing up multiplication and division word problems, we moved onto our final math unit- measurement! First, we shared everything we already know about measurement, including tools you can use, and units that we measure in. Then, we sorted various words like "liter", "gram" and "meter" with the things they are used to measure! Finally, we created our own centimeter rules so that we could measure and compare lengths around th...