January 28- February 1

Term 3- Jan 28 - Feb 1- Grade 2 Blog


*This week we wrapped up our previous unit by listening to each other's town hall reports from "Happy Life Town". We said goodbye to the simulated community we created, and then it was time to start our next- and last!- unit of 2nd Grade! We began by walking around the room and observing different pictures of stories, storytelling and storytellers. We brainstormed everything we knew about the types of stories, ways of telling a story, and the reasons why people tell stories! 

*In math, we have been focusing on multiplication. We reviewed equal groups, arrays, and repeated addition, which are all great strategies to help us understand what multiplication actually means! We then used a hundreds chart to help us look for patterns, and fill out a multiplication chart! Finally, we used our multiplication chart to answer multiplication facts quickly!

*After  wrapping up our poetry unit by publishing a book of our favorite poems, we started thinking about "small-moment stories". We discussed the difference between a "watermelon" story and a "seed" story, and we made a list of ideas for stories we could tell. Then, we picked a topic and began to plan out our stories, page by page.

*Next week we will dig deeper into the question of WHY we tell stories. Each day, we'll look at examples, and we'll discuss the many reasons why people tell stories to one another. We'll also use this information to start planning our YEP performance!

*Next week is all about division! We'll use similar strategies that we've already learned, but this time we'll learn how to divide numbers! 

*We will continue to plan and write our small-moment stories. We'll think about ways to stretch out our stories, and to make very strong beginnings, transitions, and endings!

LOOK OUT (Important Announcements/ Dates)
*Monday, February 11th-- NO SCHOOL (National Holiday)


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