Blog #17- October 18th, 2019 π

Grade 2- Blog #17- October 7th- 18th, 2019 Grade 2 Publishing Party! LOOKING BACK Grade 5 starts to take over our classroom. Grade 5 explorers "discover" our room! In UOI last week, we learned about one more famous exploration: Christopher Columbus' "discovery" of America. We learned about this exploration from multiple perspectives, including the perspective of the indigenous people already living in America. We also got invaded by the Grade 5 students while we were trying to work, as they had "discovered" our classroom, and gradually began taking it over with their things and their rules. Students made connections between how they felt during this experience, and how the Native Americans may have felt during the Europeans' invasions. Saya makes a model for her exploration project. Kyle conducts some research about his project. Kurea works on her exploration project. Riko researches about oceans for ...