
Showing posts from June, 2022

Unit 1: Who We Are

 Unit 1: Who We Are Central Idea: The choices we make affect our health and wellbeing. This unit we were talking about health and wellbeing! Students learned about exercise, meditation, healthy eating, and how to get a good nights sleep. We kept journals of healthy food and tracked our good sleeping habits.  Students took action is a variety of ways as well. We made posters about the importance of exercise and hung them in the gym. We were excited to see the things we were learning have the potential for impacting PE classes.  While learning about mental health and practicing ways of staying focused and managing our emotions, students were inspired to create their own calm down tools for the classroom. This initiative was completely student led and students worked on their various calm down tools on their own.  In math, we have been focusing on mental math strategies and improving our understanding of place value. We have been working with base 10 blocks and learning...