Blog #22- December 6th, 2019 πΊπ₯

Grade 2- Blog #22- December 2nd- 6th LOOKING BACK We finally had our Term 2 field trip this week! Since we are between units this week, this field trip was a nice opportunity to address both our previous unit (Sharing the Planet) and our next unit (How We Express Ourselves). To that end, we visited both the Osaka International Peace Center, as well as the NHK Broadcasting Center. We learned how war and violence impacted the quality of life for many people in Osaka during World War 2, and then we got to see how stories are told from NHK television sets and news casting stations! Of course, we also enjoyed spending some time together in Osaka Castle Park- eating, writing, playing and talking! Elsewhere in UOI, we started our next unit about storytelling. Students participated in a gallery walk, where they observed many photographs and illustrations of various storytelling methods, and added their thoughts, feelings and question...