Blog #20- November 22, 2019 πͺππππ
Grade 2- Blog #20- November 18th- 22nd
For UOI this week, students learned more specific ways that people have responded to conflicts using protest. They took notes about famous sit-ins, marches, strikes and boycotts that have occurred around the world thanks to various peacemakers. Students also had a chance to respond to the conflict in the Butter Battle Book (other than "fight", which is the response that already happens in the story). They were encouraged to choose a response that would improve the quality of life, and they later explained why they chose each response that they did. Finally, students began to prepare for our summative assessment, which will double as next week's science fair project. They identified a current conflict happening somewhere in the world, and then began to brainstorm possible responses.

In math last week, we took our knowledge of division (splitting up into equal groups), and applied it to fractions! We started off with circle fractions, and students cut and made their own halves, thirds, fourths, etc. Then, we moved onto fraction strips (rectangles) where students once again created various fractions from these strips. We began to compare the different fractions, and we discovered that the higher the number on the bottom, the smaller the part! As a bonus math activity, students created "division gardens", which showed various things being split up into equal groups around their garden.
This week we also got to learn about the World Solar Challenge from a college student who participated in the race himself! He told us all about his experience building a solar-powered car, and racing it with his team in Australia. Students got to develop their inquiry skills by asking great questions about his experiences.
This week Shosuke was our VIP, and he brought a poster with photos of himself as a baby, his family and his hobbies and favorite activities. He also shared a Lego Ninjago book that he enjoys reading, and some crafts he made, such as a fan and a clay dish. Finally, we got to see a video of Shosuke participating in a traditional Japanese drum performance!
In math, we will continue our work with fractions. We will practicing more shading of fractions, comparing fractions, and finding the fraction of an amount or collection, rather than just of a shape.
In English, students will write another on-demand opinion letter, in order to help track their growth and writing goals. We will also remind ourselves how to best edit and revise our writing to make it stronger!
In UOI, students will complete their summative assessments. Now that they know which conflict they are going to solve (or respond to), they will begin writing about their process, as well as prepare to respond in a way they see best! We will also conduct a science experiment with our kindergarten buddies, and attend the Science Fair, in honor of Science Week!
In math, we will continue our work with fractions. We will practicing more shading of fractions, comparing fractions, and finding the fraction of an amount or collection, rather than just of a shape.
In English, students will write another on-demand opinion letter, in order to help track their growth and writing goals. We will also remind ourselves how to best edit and revise our writing to make it stronger!
(Announcements and Important Dates)
*Grade 2 Term 2 Field Trip: Wednesday, December 4th.
*Grade 2 Term 2 Field Trip: Wednesday, December 4th.
*Friday, December 20th: (Talent Show-- Students Only) AND Last Day of Term 2!
*Monday, December 23- Friday, January 3rd: Winter Break, No School
*Monday, December 23- Friday, January 3rd: Winter Break, No School
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