Blog #8- May 31st, 2019

Grade 2- Week 7- May 27th-May 31st, 2019 Bogart's Mom reads to the class for a bonus literacy week activity! LOOKING BACK Wow, can you believe it's already the end of May?? This week we finished up all of our units, and began new ones! Our important vocabulary words from our healthy choices unit! In UOI, students turned in the Health Action Plans they had been working so hard on. That same day, we got started on our very next unit. Students made predictions about what we would be learning about, and they began to think carefully about objects in motion around them. Students also observed and conducted experiments with forces, motion, and friction. Students set up mats for our experiment. Students measure how far the car rolled down the ramp. We also started a brand new unit for writing this week: lab reports! Students got their own science notebooks to record all of the steps in the scientific method, including question, hypothesis, procedure, results...