
Showing posts from September, 2019

Blog #15- September 27th, 2019 🚩

Grade 2- Blog #15- September 17th- September 27th, 2019 Transforming our classroom into Nepal! Enjoying some games of Bagh Chal at ICF! LOOKING BACK Last week, we dug very deep into our inquiry of Mount Everest, extending our research to all of Nepal. Each student chose a project to work on to help prepare for ICF- since our class's country was Nepal! From Nepalese board games, to the national flower, to making puzzles about traditional Nepalese foods, everyone worked so hard to help make ICF a success! Working together to make the photo booth. Aiya and Jack make a diagram to teach about the height of Mt. Everest. Kirato paints a model temple from Nepal. Ichika works on a giant flag of Nepal! Mahmoud and Shosuke's food puzzles show the traditional meals of Nepal. This week, we began research about other areas of exploration, including the North Pole, the South Pole, and deep oceans. Students shared what they know about these places, then brai...

Blog #14- September 13th, 2019 🌄

Grade 2- Blog #14- September 9th- September 13th, 2019 Haruhito came to visit and say goodbye. We are sad that he's leaving, but happy to give him some going away cards and gifts! LOOKING BACK Bo and Rima attempt to magnetize a needle to use as a floating compass. This week in UOI, students learned more about maps, including how to use latitude and longitude to find a location. They also tried making their own compass, which we used to determine which directions were north, south, east and west in our classroom! Yua observes which way the magnet swings to find magnetic North. Kyle and Aiya created a floating magnet using a needle and a piece of cork. We also began learning about our first famous exploration- the exploration of Mt. Everest! Students shared what they already knew about mountains and Everest, and then jotted down many interesting questions about what they wanted to know, including: "How many people have climbed Mt. Everest?" "W...

Blog #13- September 6th, 2019 👀

Grade 2- Blog #13- September 4th- September 6th, 2019 LOOKING BACK Students study a map of the world. Placing our stickers on the places we have explored/ want to explore! More mapping!   Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a nice summer vacation, whether you traveled the world or relaxed here in Osaka with your family! We had a short week this week, as students (and teachers!!) adjusted to being back at school! Still, it was an exciting first three days, as we prepared to start new units in math, English, and Unit of Inquiry, and as we welcomed a new student, Riko, to our class! Going on a listening walk through the school. Listening for different sounds on the sidewalk! For UOI time, students began to develop a sense of  "exploration". We explored the whole school by going on a "Listening Walk", we explored our classroom environment by using a treasure map, and we explored our community by finding out more about one another. Stud...