Week 11 Blog πŸπŸ‚

Term 2- Week 11- 2nd Grade Blog


*In UOI we took a closer look at each type of response, and how these responses could impact the quality of life for those people involved. We also finished up writing our peacemaker biography books, and then shared our work by reading them aloud the class, and by answering questions afterward.

*Going further with fractions, we learned about comparing fractions, ordering fractions, and adding fractions. We also discussed equivalent fractions, and how to determine if two fractions are equivalent or not. 

*While writing our teaching books, we came to realize that we need to edit our writing more! Therefore, we started to create an editing checklist to use on our writing. We practiced looking for capitalization, punctuation and spelling errors.

*We will read about some of the ways that people have encouraged peace in the world, such as the Nobel Peace Prize, and the creation of the United Nations.

*We will spend some time reviewing fractions and pie graphs, and dig a bit deeper with fractions, including finding the fraction within a group of objects or people.

*We will use our new editing checklist to go back and edit our previous books. We will also continue or start one final teaching book to wrap up this unit!

LOOK OUT (Important Announcements/ Dates)
*Tuesday, November 20th- Field Trip to Maishima Incineration Plant
*Friday, November 23rd-- NO SCHOOLπŸπŸ‚


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