Blog #11- June 21, 2019 𝝅

Grade 2- Week 10- June 17th -June , 21st 2019 LOOKING BACK Happy Numeracy Week! Students got to enjoy math in a variety of ways this week, including participating in a math game show, creating math tessellation art, and answering daily questions about tricky math. I hope that everyone had a chance to discover what they love about numbers! In UOI, students began learning about simple machines. They learned all about ramps and levers through books, videos and their own real-life examples. They even created a small lever (see-saw) at their desks. Then, they learned about a third simple machine: the wheel and axle. Students worked in partners to create a vehicle that could move using at least one wheel and axle. They tested out their creations on a ramp, and reflected on what worked well and what did not. The next day, they revised their vehicles to create stronger wheels and axles, and the results were much more successful! In writing, students continued to pr...