Unit 5: How We Express Ourselves

 How We Express Ourselves 

Central Idea: Stories and storytelling help us to learn about different cultures. 

Lines of Inquiry: 

Perspective: Different ways regions tell stories.

Change: How stories change throughout time.

Causation: The reasons people tell stories.

During this unit we focused on the history of storytelling and how different cultures told stories. We learned about shadow puppets, and cave drawing. Telling stories around a fire, and even how to tell digital stories. 

We practiced written story telling and writing personal narratives. Our favorite writing activity was writing a fictional story pretending we were stuck in a snow globe. We made sure to include lots of details and adjectives to describe  the setting and how we were feeling. We even really had snow during this unit, so it was almost like REALLY being in a snow globe! 

 We practiced different ways of oral storytelling as well. We wrote our own scripts and practicing acting in front of the class. Using a big voice and making sure that we were making eye contact with the audience was a big challenge. But before we even practiced with our bodies, we practiced with puppets! Designing our own finger puppets, scripts, and backgrounds was so much fun! Try scanning the QR codes in the photos below to see our practices!

In ICT, we told digital stories using Powerpoint! This was a cool connection to our last unit where we made stop motion effects using slides. Now we can tell digital stories in two ways!

We read lots of new books this unit! We especially liked reading the Sakura Medal Nominated books during library time!

In math during this unit we learned how to track data and make graphs. It was fun getting to ask questions to our classmates and think about what we all have in common!

Next, we moved on to learning about measuring height and length using standard and non-standard units. Soon we will be learning about measuring volume! I wonder how they will be different!


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