Testing experiments and learning how to record our results
This week Grade 2 continued to do experiments and learn how to record our results. The children learnt how to set out their page with a science procedural, similar to writing down a cooking recipe. They had to include:
A question - e.g. What will happen when you put a coin inside a balloon, tie it up and spin it around?
A prediction
We tested out whether a racing car will travel faster on a smooth surface such as the classroom floor, or a bumpy surface such as corrugated paper or sand paper. Strangely, our results weren't conclusive. This probably had to do with the level of force each child used to shoot the car off. We tried using a low table a ramp, but there was a gap between the table and the floor which stopped it from going very far on the floor.
On Friday we designed our own marble run in the class using cardboard tubes, toilet paper rolls, cardboard boxes et cetera. We tested it about 5 times and found that bumpy pieces of tape kept stopping the marble from getting very far. Also, if the angle of the toilet paper rolls wasn't quite right, the marble stopped too.
So here are some videos and photos of what we achieved after of 1.5 hours of designing and working together. It was a great teamwork activity and everyone worked hard.
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