Chain reactions
Chain chain chain, chain of fools. No, I’m not Aretha Franklin, and we certainly aren’t fools in Grade 2.
But we did learn about how every force has an equal or opposite force. Examples are a person bouncing a ball and the ground pushes it back up. Or a person pushing against a wall and the wall has a force pushing back.
We looked at pulleys, made paper clip chains with magnets, pinwheels and origami frogs that jump.
In library time we did paired reading about simple machines and later did a sorting activity to sort machines into categories such as pulley, lever, wedge etc.
Today I introduced the kids to the Rube Goldberg Machine and they learnt that they need to design one for their summative assessment for this Unit of Inquiry.
In math, we have used our knowledge of repeat addition to move into multiplication and from there, division. We also did some 2 step worded problems.
In literacy we looked at some common but irregular words, suffixes in adjectives and verbs, and a spelling quiz today. Everyone did a great job!
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