What a great way to start a new academic year!
In our first unit of the 2021-2022 academic year, grade two students explored different aspects of health & well-being and how they are interrelated with our choices. While doing that, they explored thinking routines that will help them deepen their understanding and provide critical reflection and action opportunities. But, more importantly, they laid strong foundations to create a positive classroom atmosphere where everyone feels safe and welcomed.
Theme: Who We Are (Students explored an aspect of the underlined section)
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social, and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.
Central Idea: The choices we make affect our health and well-being.
Lines of inquiry:
Causation - How our choices affect our bodies
Connection - How physical and mental health are related
Responsibility - How we can make changes to our diet and exercise
Grade 2 students started the unit by exploring some of the key vocabulary. They communicated what they already know about them. Then they explored different books we have on Raz Kids in the classroom and the school library to expand their knowledge.
We used various grouping strategies to attain knowledge and communicate it with our classmates. Such activities allowed us to build better communication skills and relationships. As an example, when learning about different food types and their impact on our bodies, each team explored a type of food. Then we mixed up the groups, and each new group had one member who is knowledgeable about a particular aspect. That way, everyone got an opportunity to learn from each other and teach to each other. Then we carried it even further, and teams discussed the similarities and differences between food groups. We utilized See-Think-Wonder and Color-Symbol-Picture thinking routines to deepen our understanding, aiming to move towards higher-order thinking.
For their summative assessment, students communicated their understanding of a healthy life by explaining their reasoning, and they made an action plan that will/may change their habits.
In Math, we explored the number concept. We practiced reading, writing, and comparing numbers up to 10,000. We learned about place value, expanded form, and basic mental math strategies. Then moved on to formal addition and subtraction methods. Although we used manipulatives and visual aids throughout the whole process, formal addition and subtraction were scary at first. But Through hard work and perseverance, grade 2 students tackled these challenges. Most of the students developed a solid understanding of how to apply this strategy to word problems.
I believe we had a very fruitful two months in academics, but the social growth I observed was truly great. I was astounded seeing their eagerness to come to school contributing to classroom activities and beyond. They become more self-aware and more caring towards their friends, more independent, more engaged, and I know that it will just keep getting better.
Thank you for your support!

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